Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer time in Minnesota...

So i am a little behind, but i am trying to keep up. Life has been a whirlwind. So i will try to catch you up... in a nut shell!

Sunday, May 22, Brian, Leila, and I and a bunch of our work friends participated in the "Get your Rear in Gear" 5k run. It was "fun." LOL. The weather was less than favorable. It was kind of cold and rainy, so Brian ended up taking Leila back to the car to stay dry! yea and it also got him out of running. It was fun to get together for a good cause.  That was at 8 in the morning and by 2 I was on a flight to Dallas for a week of sales training.

The week away from both of my babies was tough. I would be lying if i said i didnt cry. I know one thing for sure, I will never do that again! Or atleast for a long time.

Memorial Day weekend was great! We didnt do much of anything except move in and spend time with Family. Brian did a couple rounds of golf, but other than that, it was relaxing!

Today was my first day ON THE JOB! lol. It could have started off better, but Leila decided to have a scream fest at 2am. It was a long hour, because we could not figure out what was the matter. After an hour she just wore herself out and fell asleep. So the morning was slow but I followed this great guy. Works hard, recruits hard, and has a great smile. Oh did i mention i worked with Brian! :) Tomorrow is my first day by myself and I am excited! I am working in the little town of Warren, MN. If you look on the map, you wont find it! lol Wish me luck I will try and update you on my progress soon!

As far as the separation anxiety, I am doing ok. This morning I was ok dropping her off at Grandma Carla's, because i was able to stay and hang out for an hour then leave for the day. When i stopped back by on our way out to work to drop off her sippy cup and heard her crying, it pulled at the heart strings. Part of me wanted to go in and pick her up and rock her to sleep, and the other part of me was already inside with her! :) People keep telling me it is going to get better, but i dont understand how that is possible. When i am not with her, there is a void. But i am trying to thicken my skin and get thru this. One day at a time.

Oh and I forgot to mention, Leila learned how to wave last weekend. It is the cutest thing ever. She even said Bye, not sure if she meant it, but it sounded like it!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane...

So it has been a little while since I have updated Life with Leila, but man there has been a lot going on. The last time I posted we were planning to go to Tarpon Springs with our favorite play dates, Emma and Brett. And we had fun. Not only did we get to see some cool new fish and animals, Leila went on her first bounce house. She loved it!

Sister from another Mister, Hannah!
Cita with her little angel
Yay for Friends and Family

This last week has been very busy. Last saturday was our going away party. And i thank everyone for coming and celebrating with us! I will me you guys so much! Special Thanks to my Aunt Neenee and Mamacita! They are the best!

Lauren and Mallory

The next day was our big family photo shoot on Hillsboro River. It turned out great! Leila brought her A-game and was an angel to work with! We just looked through our shots yesterday and we got some good ones! Cant wait for the canvas's to be done and delivered! They will be a great addition to the house.

Sunday night we went to game night at Jess and Brian's house. A play date for both adults and babies. It was a blast. We played Scattergories, which turned out to be hilarious!

Tuesday was our last night in florida and so of course we had another small get together of friends and Family! Shout out to Jessica for being the best mom and friend! Thanks for coming over and "sipping" some wine!

Wednesday morning was my BIG test day, and after all that wine, man was i feeling excited to take it! lol. But against all odds, I passed! with a 92 (wink wink)! I then drove home, finished packing up the car, then we took off to Nashville, Our midway point to Minnesota.

The drive was one for the books. Somewhere around hour 18 we realized we had wax spilling down our back seat. Talk about a fun ride after that. We some how made it through the 26 hours, but Leila made it an adventurous trip as well. Thanks to my mom for getting us the dvd player for the car. I always said I would never sit Leila in front of a tv screen, but it was a savior in the car.

Well it took 2 days, but we are here in Minnesota! We had some great friends over today for a welcoming party. As you can tell we find any excuse to have a party! pictures will be posted soon...dont worry! Tomorrow is our 5k and I am really excited. I hope it doesnt rain. I also leave for Dallas tomorrow for a week. A WHOLE WEEK. AWAY FROM MY BABY! I am not sure how i am going to deal. I would love some ideas to keep my mind off it. I have a feeling a good cry is in order! lol

Here are some adorable pics of our friends and family!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9 month check up at 8 1/2 months...

Leila is so advanced she even gets to have her check ups early... lol! Today we went for her 9 month well visit. We scheduled it early because we will be in Minnesota for her actual 9 month bday! It was a great visit. Leila's head measured in at 42.5 cm around, 18lbs and 10 oz., and 28 inches long. That puts her in the 60% for height, looks like Leila got my height genes, and 50% for weight. She is lower in weight for a couple reasons. First, it is still 2 weeks away from her 9 month mark, and breast-fed babies tend to bulk up, aka get super healthy rolls, then slim down when they become more active (And boy is she active). She is still eating great and growing like a weed.

At 9 months the doctors test for Tuberculosis and prick their finger to check their blood. One test is for led because babies tend to put EVERYTHING in their mouths, so they want to make sure that their led is low. Which Leila's is. Her lymph-cells were higher than usual, which means she could be fighting off an infection or just getting over one. But the doctor said since she has not had a fever it will be gone soon. She also had to get a shot, to get us on schedule with the rest. Leila was a trooper with the tuberculosis "shot". She didnt flinch. The prick to the finger was a bit worse, she didnt like it when they were squeezing it to get more blood to come out. The last shot was as bad as the ear cleaning. Man she does not like that. She has been holding her hands in fists ever since the doctors, doesnt want to take any chances. lol.

When it comes to development, she is right on track, if not ahead :) She is picking up small items, like cheerios, and talking and even drinking from her sippy cup. I am in love with her new noises and laughs. We spend a lot of time laughing. And our new daily routine is dance time. We crank up the tunes and dance like no one is watching!! She even bounces to the music.

We "invested" in some new Baby Einstein. My first Signs and Baby Noah. Love them both. I try to do the signs for each word when I use it, like mommy and daddy. And Baby Noah teaches a little of the bibles and also takes you around the world and shows which animals live where. You know me and animals.

Speaking of Animals, we are going to our 3rd aquarium tomorrow with our play date pals, Brett and Emma and Jessica of course! So excited. Only one more aquarium to go to before we leave Florida. The clearwater aquarium, with winter the dolphin that has a fake tail!

That is all for now. In case your keeping a record, we leave for minnesota in 2 weeks!