Thursday, September 22, 2011

Updates on Life

I know it has been a while, but Life takes over!

I have decided to be a "Stay at home" Mom with a twist. After interviewing, hiring, and deciding I liked the nanny, I realized I could not be away from Leila 8 hours a day. I'm sure if you know her or me you can understand why. I am still working with Family Heritage, but it is more of a part time position. I will be setting myself up to Nanny during the day. I am hoping to have two other toddlers, other than Leila, and I have so many good ideas for adventures, play dates, and more. I am really excited.

Brian just got back last Saturday! Yay... we are all in the same state and will be for a while! That is a big weight off my shoulders. Its great to have your other half here to help.

Here is a little video of Leila at Mother Goose time a couple weeks ago, isn't she the cutest?

Leila now has 7 teeth with more coming in. She has the cutest gap between her top teeth and she makes this almost whistle sound when she is concentrating on doing something... so cute! I will try and get a picture of her chompers soon!