Monday, August 15, 2011

Looking back over the last year...

First off, I cant believe we are here already. That almost one year ago, I was going to the hospital and leaving with the most beautiful and precious little baby girl. So I started working on Leila's Baby book. It was one that someone gave to us in with all the moving got put up in Leila's closet and I found when taking all her too small clothes and putting them into storage(which usually involves tears!lol). So I was looking through it and filling out things I could remember, going back and finding the doctor notes with her weight and height at all the month stages, and I took a second and thought back to the first couple of hours, days, weeks. We are so blessed to have such a  smart and vibrant little girl.

Maternity Pictures taken
the day before she came
I can still remember her birth. How excited i was to see her, how fast everything was going, and how amazing Brian was with my every need. He did great! I remember everything about the day of August 20th, 2010. It started with my doctor telling me i had to pick a day to be induced because i was already 2 days late. I was furious. Both my parents, at different times which is funny, told me to tell them January 1st!! They think too much alike. I took a nap while watching The Rock while brian went to BB&B to get a  blow up mattress for some company we were going to be having shortly after Leila came. When i woke up, i was late for a dinner date with Sabrina and Catie and while getting ready my water broke. Well at the time i wasnt sure thats what had happened, at that point pregnant moms are peeing every 20 secs anyways. So I had to cancel dinner plans, Brian came home with like a $300 blow up mattress, all because i didnt answer my phone (he says), and my grandma and cousin from denmark had just arrived in town. I went and had some peaches and ice cream with family, told my mom what was going on and then went home to relax, prepare for the contractions, and watch the Twins game!!

We can skip all the labor details, because I'm sure those who read this either already know or dont want to! lol But i can remember when Leila was 12 hours old (at around 3pm) and Brian and I looked at each other and were SO happy. Like this is going to change our world, rock it off its stand, but make it more filled with love and adventures (for sure!). It was amazing!

Leila's First Picture

So I am going to apologize if you are getting teary eyed, Lord knows I am, but its is so crazy to think that a whole year has flown by when i feel like she just got here.

In that last year we have done quite a lot.... here are some of our adventures:
  • Jacksonville at 3 weeks old
  • Minnesota for a month when she was a month old
  • Her first flight... now she has been on 8!
  • North Carolina for Thanksgiving with Cita's side of the Family
  • Aquariums (3) Florida, The Keys, and Tarpon Springs
  • Zoo - Minneapolis
  • Miami after christmas
  • The Beach... too many to count
  • Road trip to Tallahassee and Georgia
  • UGA Football game
  • Minnesota Twins Games (2)
  • Tampa Bay Rays Games (3)
  • GooGoo Dolls Concert (that she slept through) 
  • The Keys! Glass bottom boat trip!
  • Florida Marlins Baseball game
  • Tons of Play Dates
  • Shopping at Mall of America
  • Lived in 3 different Houses (Thanks to renovations!!)
  • 2 Roadtrips from Florida to Minnesota (28hr drive each way)
  • Nashville,TN
  • Memphis, TN for the 4th of July
  • Jackson, TN to visit The McLeary's
  • Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, SD Winery
  • All the states she has been in:
    • Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Dakota, North Dakota, Virginia, and Missouri. I believe that is it, but could be wrong!

The Family in NC  for Thanksgiving
Leila in Minneapolis
1-2 months old

So you can see how the year has flown by. This week is going to be crazy busy gearing up for one of the best Birthday Parties.. EVER! I am excited for everyone to come out, enjoy the Hula Show, Pool, Food, and Drinks in celebration of Leila's first year and so many more to come.... Aloha for now!


  1. It was a $200 blow up mattress thank you very much!

  2. Haha Malia, this is so awesome, I stalked your pics and there wasn't one she wasn't in. You must be the most amazing loving mom ever! One day she is going to look at these posts and get teary eyed too. <3 You rock.
