Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One year Check up

So today was Leila's One year check up and she did GREAT! She weighed in at 22 lbs and is 29 inches. That puts her in the 75 percentile for weight and 50 percentile for height! She must have gotten my height genes!!

The one year visit also means SHOTS! and you guys know how I do with shots... BAD! Plus they wanted to check her white blood cell count because of her 9 month check up they were a little off. They were off because she was fighting a cold, but they doctors just wanted to double check. Double checking meant they needed to prick her finger, which is almost worse than a shot to me, but i am a big baby when it comes to needles.

If you were a fly on the wall, you would have been cracking up. Brian is holding Leila while they prick and squeeze her fingers and I am doing cheers to keep her attention off the two HUGE NEEDLES heading her way! They did her shots like they were piercing her ears. At the same time. One nurse did the left and the other the right... it was very crazy! No matter how extravagant my cheers were, she noticed that!

The doctor told us Leila is cutting three teeth right now. THREE! thats torture. Two teeth just broke through on the top. So to keep you on the tooth update, she has her two bottom teeth (#24 &25) and top right tooth (#9). The ones that just broke through are the left top (#8) and the one to the right of the top right tooth (#10). The doctor also said the tooth to the left on the top (#7) will be breaking through any day now. Can you believe it? She went from 3 teeth to 6 in a weekend!!

Well that is all the news from today... we will keep you posted on any words or essays she is writing!! lol She is growing up so fast!

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