Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting into the groove...

Our days have been packed since we have arrived back in Florida, but i didn't expect anything less. I knew there would be a lot to catch up on. It started with Story time with Brett and Emma and a little play date to follow. It was great to see all the babies moving around.

Sunday we attended Jessica and Brian's Christmas in July party. First off, such a cute idea. Second, it was filled with laughs, sangria, and presents! That is definitely something we are going to have to do annually! Props to Brian for grilling out in 100 degree weather!

Monday, July 25th,  was also a BIG DAY for us. Leila and I went to visit Aunt NeeNee and Aunt Linda.  And boy was it a great visit. We laughed, we crawled, we ate all of her fruit, and then SHE WALKED! 8 whole steps! She has been pulling herself up on everything for a while and is a pro at walking along the couch, but this was all by herself walking!! YAY!! I know all the moms that have kids walking and running are like "girl you are crazy", but its still such a huge milestone and i love getting to new ones with her. After that she started showing off and taking steps to walk from the couch to me and then to NeeNee. It was a great day!

She followed her BIG monday with a HUGE tuesday! 15 steps at Sabrina's! And since then she has been walking everywhere. She walks to get a toy. She walks to cry and look for mom. She walks into the bathroom if i forget to close the door. She walks everywhere.

Last week we had lots of play dates with friends. We got to see Sara and Mike, Lauren and her niece Melanie, Sabrina, and Aunt NeeNee and Linda. Plus an added bonus of Brian coming into town on Friday! A long weekend with Brian!

Over the weekend, we got a lot of quality time in. We visited the water park at Del Holmes. It was a blast. There is water going in every direction and Leila just had a blast with it. We would take turns running through the fountains with her and then let her explore. It was precious to see her walking around and playing in the water. That is going to be somewhere we go more often!

We had a great time over the weekend, and of course the day came that i hate, when brian leaves. And this was twice as bad because his flight was at 7:30 AM! Which means wake up at 6! We get everyone up, and are making great time. As i am driving over the skyway i hear a weird noise and then driving becomes more difficult! I knew it had to be a flat tire, but i could see the airport exit and i didnt want him to be late. Well I have to pull over, but luckily i have a handy man, because he changed that tire, found the spare (bc i had no idea where it was), and put the new one on. I drove quickly to the terminal, dropped him off at 7:14 and he made his flight! Thats what i call crazy! But that is our life and I love it!

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