Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I Love Wednesday...

Last night I was making dinner and Leila spotted broccoli. First off I know she likes broccoli, but i didn't realize how much. She threw a fit because I would not give it to her, because it was being steamed! So in order to hold her off for the 5 minutes it needed to finish, I gave her the broccoli stalk! She looked at it, explored it a little bit, and then proceeded to chew on it! This girl has a love for broccoli! So what i love today is how great of an eater Leila is turning out to be. I know some moms out there are going to say "Wait until she turns 4", but i disagree! I think if i keep her loving her little "trees" she will continue to! Yay for starting kids young on veggies!

Also i am really excited for Trivia Night with Jessica tonight!!

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